Employee Engagement Strategy

Employee Engagement Strategy

The quiet quitting phenomenon refers to when employees disengage from their job and begin to mentally check out of their work without explicitly communicating their intent to leave or resign to their employer or colleagues. This can occur for a variety of reasons, including feeling undervalued or unsupported, experiencing burnout, lacking opportunities for growth or advancement, or experiencing conflict with coworkers or managers.

Quiet quitting can be problematic for employers because they may not be aware that an employee is considering leaving until it is too late to address the underlying issues and prevent their departure. This can result in increased turnover and the loss of talented employees.

I can help you mitigate the risk of quiet quitting through the use of engagement assessment tools to help gauge your employees’ engagement levels and identify any potential issues that may be impacting their job satisfaction.  Once deficiencies are identified, I will work with you to develop a plan to improve it.

If you're interested in learning more about how I can help you improve employee engagement in your organization, click here.